Join the Staff

Applying to work in the Writing Center

Working in the Writing Center offers undergraduate and graduate students a chance to be part of an active writing community. Through collaboration with students and staff, our Writing Assistants help peers strengthen their writing and their writing processes. Writing Assistants are also given the opportunity to improve upon their own writing and leadership talents.

Writing assistants work between 4-8 hours per week. All writing assistant staff members are expected to attend bi-weekly, all-staff meetings on Thursdays during common exam hour.

You can stop by the Connors Writing Center to pick up an application form or you can download one below. All completed applications can be turned in at the reception desk of the Writing Center in room 329 of Dimond Library or emailed to Hiring for the CWC is usually done on a yearly basis toward the end of the spring semester. Applications are due by March 31 to be considered for employment beginning in the fall.  

Writing Center Course for Undergraduate Writing Assistants

New undergraduate Writing Assistants enroll in INCO 529: "Writing Consultation," a two-credit, pass/fail, semester-long training course during their first semester working in the Writing Center. This course focuses on the philosophy and practice of writing centers and prepares new Writing Assistants for conferencing in the Center.

Writing Center Training Program for Graduate Writing Assistants

New graduate writing assistants undergo a semester-long training program in the CWC during their first semester on the job. This training program orients new graduate writing assistants to writing center theory and practice broadly, as well as the CWC's particular philosophy and approach.